Articles on PR for People

A Species in Peril: What Evolution Can Teach Us About the Path Forward

Between the growing environmental crisis, extreme economic inequality and global poverty, a long list of social needs that are unfunded, or underfunded, and, not least, the dysfunctional or corrupt political regimes in many countries, our species is in genuine peril.  And it’s entirely a self-made crisis.  Yet this is precisely why there is reason for hope.

Interview with Peter Corning

Recently, we had the opportunity to interview Dr. Peter Corning about his latest book “Synergistic Selection."

About Peter Corning

Peter Corning is currently the Director of the Institute for the Study of Complex Systems in Seattle, Washington.  He was also once a science writer at Newsweek and a professor for many years in the Human Biology Program at Stanford University, along with holding a research appointment in Stanford’s Behavior Genetics Laboratory.  

Does Our Species Have a Future?

Does Our Species Have a Future? Dr. Peter Corning’s New Book Redefines What Evolution Can Teach Us About How the World Works.

“A House Divided”: It’s Time to Heed Lincoln’s Warning

There is a deep political division in this country today that is more threatening than at any time since the Civil War.

In the Clubs this Week

In the Clubs this Week, Q Back at the Friars Club, Plus News From Jim Mendrinos, Q, Bryan Johnson, Brett Davis and More

The Social Contract: Who Needs It?

Let’s begin with some political theory. Aristotle, in his great treatise, the Politics, concluded that there are, basically, only two different kinds of governments in terms of the outcomes for a society — those that serve the common good, or the public interest, and those that have been co-opted to serve the self-interests of the people who hold political power. 

Emerge America - Getting Women to Run for Office

Women in politics? Let’s face it the statistics are horrific. To name a few, only 37 women have ever served as Governor across the United States. Almost five times as many men hold elected office in the United States than women. The United States currently ranks 95th in the world in the number of women serving in their national legislatures. We are behind Mexico, China and Pakistan.  In 2002 Andrea Dew Steele who is active in the Democratic Party was aroused by the incredible lack of women holding elected office at the local level in San Francisco and founded Emerge American. Today 22 other states use the program.From Colorado Emerge America - Getting Women to Run for Office



Major Media Summit Hits NYC, Dante Nero’s Coat Plus More

Major Media Summit Hits NYC, Dante Nero’s Coat, Plus News From Greg Kritikos, Rosebud Baker, Rob Haze and Taylor Tomlinson

Kalamazoo Public Library

The key to understanding people begins with education. One way to learn about the world is by developing a love of books. Each month, we will profile a library that one of our whisperers told us about. Do you have a library that you love? Tell us about it.