Articles on PR for People

Art and Passion in Little Italy

Every September, the exalted statue of San Gennaro is still carried through Mulberry Street during a parade and week-long festival of Italian grandeur, gastronomic delight also known as gluttony, and kitsch. Then, not at all connected to the church of San Gennaro, on the wall of an adjacent building, the mural of Tristan Eaton beams extraordinary color that is neither pious or gold, but passionate enough, and designed from spray paint. 

J.B. Smoove Sells Out Six, Keith and the Girl Hold Annual Marathon, Plus News From All Over!

J.B. Smoove Sells Out Six, Keith and the Girl Hold Annual Marathon, a New Room in Pleasantville Plus News From All Over!

Lies, Damned Lies… and Political Lies

The famed British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli is reputed to have said "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." His wry comment (later quoted by Mark Twain) was intended to call attention to how easily we can be misled by spurious precision.  Perhaps this is what inspired Darrell Huff’s classic small book, How to Lie with Statistics.

Ayn Rand Versus Plato

Plato’s great dialogue, the Republic, written more than 2000 years ago, remains one of the most influential works about social justice ever written.  The twentieth century novelist and social philosopher Ayn Rand, perhaps the most influential conservative/ libertarian voice of the present day, had a radically different vision.  So, it might be useful to do a brief comparison between Plato and Ayn Rand.


Your names always went together, or maybe after 30 years of marriage, one remembers the names like that, like salt and pepper. You can imagine the surprise and shock when I got the news- actually delayed news. I received a message late at night/early morning, telling me to please phone, it’s not good news, it is devastating news.

How are large corporations like Walmart handing out tax windfalls to the people?

How are  large corporations handing out tax windfalls to the people? In a surprise move that shows how Walmart plans to redistribute part of their windfall from corporate tax cuts with their employees, they have fired thousands of Sam Club employees nationally. 

The Digital View of Making It

“Making it” can take on many meanings. To some it can be as simple as having a job in a field of their choice. To others, rising to the top of the field of their choice would be making it.  Another variation would be attaining a certain position in that field.

Jersey City Has a New Room, Style Advice and More

Jersey City Has a New Room, An Ex Comic Has Style Advice For Comedians, Plus News From Ian Fidance, and More

Your Camera's Shutter

Note: At the risk of sounding too “scientific” I thought this little lesson might help the average photographer understand more about how the camera actually works.

The Biosocial Contract, Part 2: Some Policy Implications

An ideology without a concrete, programmatic plan for how to realize its objectives is merely rhetoric, or fantasy, or perhaps even sophistry.  It’s only when you spell out the social, economic and political implications of your vision that you allow its merits, and practicality (and political viability) to be tested in the real world.  Marxism was extremely vague and permitted the likes of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao to fashion their own political agendas.  Modern libertarianism, likewise, comes in a bewildering array of sometimes contradictory views.  Some libertarians seem to take a piecemeal approach (in this country at least), focusing on such specific political issues as legalizing marijuana, gay/lesbian/transgender rights, Obamacare, etc.