Articles on PR for People

Interview with Alana Belle

Recently, we had the opportunity to interview singer, songwriter and filmmaker Alana Belle.

Combatants for Peace

From New Hampshire: Combatants for Peace

Why the “Fair Society” is the Way Forward

The New Narrative: Why the “Fair Society” is the Way Forward

Ari Shaffir, Adele Givens and a Boiler Room Makes Room for Comedy

Ari Shaffir Talks World Travel, Adele Givens Headlines in NYC and a Boiler Room Makes Room for Comedy

New-Year Sprint Car Racing Resolutions

From Nebraska: New-Year Sprint Car Racing Resolutions

The “Centrist Reform Program”: An Agenda for the 21st Century

"The basic needs of all of our citizens are provided for -- all of the people, all of the time...." --Abraham Lincoln.

Do You Love What You Do?

From Chicago: Do You Love What You Do? Some thoughts on my professional path

Faizon Love, Jade Catta-Preta and More

Faizon Love is a Pro When Fan Has Medical Emergency, Jade Catta-Preta Does Her First Hour at Carolines, Plus Amanda Seales, Michelle Buteau and More

The “Right to Life”: It’s Much More Than You Think

The “right to life” is a venerable moral and legal principle that is regularly invoked in debates about abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, and more.   The philosopher John Locke in his Two Treatises of Government (1690) was the first “modern” theorist to assert the idea of self-evident human rights, including “life, liberty and estate” [i.e., property], while the first public/political assertion of a right to life was in the American Declaration of Independence (1776).

Happy Hydrating!

It started with the feeling of being light headed and dizzy then progressed to leg cramps. Later that night while I slept, the leg cramps became unbearable, shooting me out of bed. Thinking back, I did remember earlier in the day, stopping to ask myself, why had I gone into the walk-in, and what was I looking for?