Articles on PR for People

Peter Corning To Receive "Book of the Year" Award

Peter Corning will receive the “book of the year” award for Synergistic Selection and an honorary doctorate for my 30 years of work and contributions to the systems sciences.

The Social Contract: Who Needs It?

Let’s begin with some political theory.  Aristotle, in his great treatise, the Politics, concluded that there are, basically, only two different kinds of governments in terms of the outcomes for a society -- those that serve the common good, or the public interest, and those that have been co-opted to serve the self-interests of the people who hold political power.  

Money is the New Rule of Law

With the widening gap between the mega wealthy and everyone else, it is logical to conclude that much of the soft news that is reported in the media is placed there by people who can afford to pay the high price of P.R. There is no hard data to support this contention, but it is plausible that it is the wealthy among us—corporations, organizations, families, and individuals—who are paying for the services of an estimated 800,000 professional P.R. practitioners. If it is the rich who are paying for the legions of P.R. consultants and P.R. firms, then it can be unequivocally stated that the media has become increasingly the playground of the rich.

The Kidnapping of the Second Amendment

From Colorado

The Kidnapping of the Second Amendment

Even those of us who don’t know all the amendments in our constitution know the gist of  the Second Amendment, adopted in 1791: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

We know it because our Second Amendment has...

Providing Support to Immigrant Detainees

As an employee at the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project office in Tacoma, Maria Cordero-Miranda administers the Legal Orientation Program at the Northwest Detention Center, one of the largest immigration prisons in the U.S. Her position is almost entirely funded by the federal LOP grant.

Good Law

Today’s attorneys are often called upon to have more sophisticated skills and experience beyond being mere practitioners of law.

Naselle Timberland Library – On the Lewis and Clark Trailway

The Naselle Timberland Library was built and opened in November 1991. Library service in Naselle, Washington started on April 21, 1986, and originally there was only an experimental mini-library that served the population by bookmobile.

Pilates and scoliosis

As I work through getting my comprehensive Pilates certification I have been interested in how I can improve other peoples lives by using my knowledge in Pilates. My boyfriend was diagnosed with scoliosis, I didn’t know much about this spinal abnormality so I decided to find out more about the condition and how Pilates could benefit him and others with this condition. 

Sam Morril, Stand Up New York and an Official Sandwich?

Sam Morril’s Got a Special Coming Out, Stand Up New York’s New Pop Up, and Guess Which Web Series Now Has an Official Sandwich

How To Take Your Camera Off “AUTO”

When you leave your machine on AUTO, you are letting it make decisions for you.