An average young man from an average Syrian town, White Helmets co-founder Mahmoud Al-Hattar never expected his path to lead to the stage of the 2018 Academy Awards. But that’s exactly where he was headed when the film, “Last Men in Aleppo”, about a group of volunteers who rescue civilians from the rubble of bombing targets, was nominated for Best Documentary. Unfortunately, the Syrian government (no fan of the White Helmets), stood in the...
We saw the colorful painted words on the wall (with white doves above them) in front of a school in Hebron: “FREE PALESTINE.” On closer examination, we noticed that someone had tried to whitewash those words with paint, but the message still is visible. This was our welcome to the largest Palestinian city in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
According to the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), each year some 700 Palestinian children are arrested, detained, interrogated, and prosecuted by a military court system that allows physical abuse of these young people. Currently, there are about 300 Palestinian children (ages 12 to 17) being held in Israeli jails and prisons. One of them is Ahed Tamimi.
In the hope of resurrecting vets from post-traumatic stress disorder, Huts For Vets is exactly what the name embodies, taking vets into the wilderness.
Thomas Kuljam is director of an innovative program specifically designed to serve veterans as they transition from the military to a campus environment and ultimately the civilian world.
The leadership might bicker and fume at North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-un, but it’s a smokescreen. By warring with North Korea, there is no takeaway as grand a prize as winning a mother lode of black gold—Oil. The real prize is Iran. The oil surplus in the Middle East remains the highest in regional crude oil, and that increased further in 2016. And it might be noteworthy that the world oil demand grew by 1.7%, which was less than 2015 when oil prices fell dramatically and the increased demand was only 2.2%. The United States, though, continues to be the world’s largest consumer of oil. And this is no small fact. Based on current data, there is an indication that China is on the ascent in oil consumption, but for the time being, this nation is years away from achieving the U.S consumption rate.