Articles on PR for People

Bronx Angel: Alexandra Maruri

Bronx Angel: Alexandra Maruri

Like most New Yorkers, Alexandra Maruri loves her city. Since growing up in the 1970s, the Bronxite has been intrigued by New York’s rich culture and history, and was destined to use her background and love of New York City to better her neighborhood.

While she worked for a popular Manhattan hotel, customers often asked her to recommend a quiet, removed place in New York...

Medford, New Jersey – A Picture-Perfect Life

Amidst a lush pineland forest, there exists a Victorian village and a deluge of suburban cul-de-sacs. Swaths of evergreens, tall and spindly, release their needles upon sandy soil. Natural beauty beckons you. Lured by a richly preserved history, refreshed by abundant lake-front communities, amused by young, contented parents returning to familiar surroundings of their youth, and welcomed by the friendly banter of downtown villagers, I found...

Tim Girvin on Ambition

“So far, I’ve gone to great lengths to ‘get out there, and get in there,’ to explore first-hand...

I am an Acorn

There is an acorn theory that who we are destined to become is imprinted on our souls from the first moment of our lives. Destiny! Soul! Just the thought of baring my soul makes me feel vulnerable and alone.

If I’m drilling down too deeply...

Taking the Pit Out of Puddin’

Taking the Pit Out of Puddin’: Nebraska Humane Society

Some time ago, a fighting dog from the illegal pit-fighting underground in Nebraska (now almost nonexistent) came to the Nebraska Humane Society (NHS), the nation’s fifth largest of its kind, with 150 employees. The dog’s name was Puddin.”It was an unusual name for a vicious animal, agreed Denise Gurss, director of shelter training and behavior. It didn’t take long...

Spotlight on the founder of PETA Ingrid Newkirk

Ingrid Newkirk grew up in India, where she recalls seeing animals dying on the streets in cities like Calcutta and Mumbai. For more than a quarter century as the co-founder and president, she has led People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, universally known by its acronym, PETA, has advocated – no, proselytized for total abstinence from anything that hurts or diminishes animals, beginning with eating or wearing them.


A No Pet Rule Creates A Master Musher

Tom Thurston, who grew up in Massachusetts, never understood why his family didn’t let him have a pet. His family jokes that he made up for it in an expensive way. Today, Tom who lives in Oak Creek, Colorado owns 36 dogs. Why dogs and not, for instance, lots of cats? Tom says he admires a dog’s loyalty, kindness and persistence. “You can be the worst person, a crook, a drunk, a murderer, and a dog will stay with you as long as you take care...

Adventures in Retirement

Adventures in Retirement:

Mike and Chris Scott, owners of the Staveleigh House B&B 

Mike and Chris Scott stood at the doorway of Staveleigh House, a charming B&B in historic Sheffield, Mass., beaming a warm welcome our way. You would think they had been innkeepers for decades, providing comfortable lodging and home-cooked breakfasts for travelers like...

The Principles of ‘JUMP’

In order to jump, which will bring you to a higher plain, you must first lower yourself. To jump successfully, you must follow these simple steps:

 Step 1: Bend your knees. This collects energy for your jump.

 Step 2: Quickly push your body up springing off of your feet.

 Step 3: Use this analogy to better yourself in a career, sports or a change in lifestyle.

 First, you need to look to see where...

“Robust” Ivory Trade Continues

Despite progress, “robust” ivory trade continues 

Every 15 minutes, an elephant is killed for its ivory. In spite of a 1990 ban on international ivory sales,  Africa’s current elephant population has been reduced to perhaps less than half of the 1.3 million that roamed just 35 years ago. Asian elephants face an even grimmer fate: today perhaps just 40,000 remain in the wild, according to, a website...