Articles on PR for People

Barbi Leifert Selected as ARTExpo New York 2016 Finalist

Barbi Leifert has recently been slected of one of the finalists for Artexpo 2016 Poster Challenge! 


Never Underestimate the Power of a Small Theater

Steamboat Springs, a western Colorado town known for its Olympic skiers and summer bikers, also has an arts theater with a rich past that was built nearly 90 years ago, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Chief Theater, which dates back to 1927, was recently bought from a multiplex movie chain by a group of local residents hoping to revive the spirit of the theater in its heyday. Now a non-profit community...

Wali Collins on Black History Month

While Wali is mainly known for his career as an entertainer he has something important to say about Black Appropriation and Black History Month. 

Randy Friedberg: Entertained by the Law

Confucius (the real one) said, “Find a job you love and never work another day in your life.” Randy Friedberg has managed to follow that sage advice

“I know very few lawyers that actually enjoy being lawyers,” Friedberg said, “and I’m one of them.” A partner in the firm of White and Williams in New York City, Friedberg has over 30 years’ experience in counseling clients in intellectual property issues, particularly trademark and...

Managing Privacy Risks

 “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…”

This language from the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution comes closest to protecting personal information and defining privacy as a right, even though the word “privacy” is never mentioned. The Constitution was written to limit the powers of government as much as  the...

Wali Collins Still Never Knows (Why Not?)

This is a story about having good luck – and about making your own.

Stand-up comedy is a tough field. Comics have a drive that supersedes their rational side. That’s why so many tell stories about well-meaning family members encouraging them to take a safer career course.

Wali Collins’ story is the exact opposite.

Wali graduated from college with a degree in architectural technology and had a good job...

Is Being an Entrepreneur Good for Your Health?

Many of us look at entrepreneurs in awe. We think of Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs and say, “Wow, they are amazing people, and I want to be a successful entrepreneur like them!” We imagine gaining independence from a boss, having flexibility, making a lot of money and holding our fate in our own hands.

However, being an entrepreneur is hard work not only in terms of the amount of time one...

Talman Welle: If You Can’t Imagine Anything Else

When he wrote the lyric, “I was born/ One dark gray morn/ With the music comin’ in my ears,” Paul Simon could have had Talman Welle in mind. Whether it really was dark and gray is not certain, but this is Bremerton, Washington we're talking about, so chances are good that it was. He certainly came into the world surrounded by music.

Scientists now tell us that babies are affected by music in utero. So maybe it was preordained...

Action- (SEEN) One

Six years old, and placed at the end of a chorus line. I floundered, moved along clumsily, barely recalling the routine established through weeks of rehearsal. I loved to dance (and still do). But it wouldn’t have been detectable then, when I didn’t "own" the dance. My essence lay dormant, divorced from my body, hapless in relation to my young troupe.

Generally, an introverted “daydreamer,” I "closeted" my experimentations,...

Creating Your Legacy

What is your legacy? What is that thing or things that will carry on your spirit or your beliefs after you leave this planet? What is that something you have put your heart and soul into? It could be your children or your high score at the video arcade or a recipe of your own design.

Instead of focusing on differences like race, gender, religion that can divide us, try something new. How about considering who you are and...