Articles on PR for People

5 tips for doing PR Like a Viking #LikeAViking

Before jumping into battle. What’s your strategy? Your press release is not a single longship randomly scouting for a new waterway. Each press release must fit into an overall strategic campaign, which means drafting multiple press releases in a layering of stories, and creating compelling visual content that is adapted to each social channel.

Let your voice ring clear. What’s your message? Your...

Leadership Viking Style

It’s not so much that we crave the bloodthirsty violence of the Vikings. What we want is to be passionately inspired and called to seek the highest level of ourselves, both individually and collectively as a culture. 

Trash and Treasure

As the saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Perfect examples are second-hand stores, recycling centers and pawn shops. These are places where people will benefit from the things that other people throw away.

     I believe that people do the same thing with words. They tend to talk too much where their words become insulting, confusing or just plain misleading. It’s like they throw words away. And they’re “...

Jenevieve Fisher: Living Lessons of Healing

From a very young age, personal tragedies propelled Jenevieve Fisher to want to help people get well.

When she was just 6 years old, her younger brother, age 2, passed away from spinal meningitis. She also had a cousin, just two years younger than her, with cerebral palsy. Growing up together, she said, they were as close as brother and sister. And so she also witnessed the struggle of living with a disability, for him and his...

A Black Eye for Big Coal

At a time when large corporations have had an unprecedented degree of power to impose themselves on the landscape in the name of jobs, a group of citizens, environmental activists, native tribes and businesses in the Pacific Northwest have dealt a series of stunning blows against development.

     Since the 1990s, a group of large mining companies, railroads and maritime terminal operators have sought to use the Northwest’s...

Barbi Leifert’s “Vibrations” in Saatchi Gallery

Barbi Leifert’s painting "Vibrations" has been approved and has begun appearing with other works on screen at the 2nd floor of the Saatchi Gallery London Museum of Contemporary Art for London

Her work will remain in the loop as long as the screen is up. This is an ongoing project and an end date has not been set. ...

Entrepreneurial Risk

If you’re an entrepreneur and focused on growing your company, one would presume that you’ve done an operational risk assessment.

     Such an assessment takes into account more than just expenses or revenue. It includes the set of business assumptions you have made, from your expected market placement among your competitors, to whether your expenses will exceed your revenue for some period of...

The True Measure of a Brand

Recently, a senior middle manager working for a Fortune 500 technology company called to learn if our PR firm could help reposition his professional brand. He had been with the same company for 20 years, but his most recent promotions had been lateral; he felt he would never be considered for the CEO slot. This company, similar to many others, does not promote a new CEO from within and instead recruits...

Wali Collins at Broadway Comedy Club





Roman Suarez: One Funny Latino

Roman Suarez’s story is the essential American tale. The child of South American immigrants, Roman grew up in a single-parent home in The Bronx. 

“There was no money for a babysitter,” he recalls. “So what raised me was television: ‘I Love Lucy,’ ‘M*A*S*H,’ Redd Foxx, all these hilarious comedy shows. After watching a hundred reruns of ‘Benny Hill’ or the ‘Saturday Night Live’ show that I would tape record, I would just do that...