Articles on PR for People

The Divine Right of Kings

A “C-level” or “C-suite” position is nice work, if you can get it. It’s understandable why so many people want to be in the club. The salaries are astronomically high and the perks are amazing. But isn’t it just ridiculous that CEOs still get paid egregious sums of money, even when their performance is abysmal and they fail?

     Recently, Bank of America disclosed that it had $4 billion less in regulatory capital than it thought...

Apryl Cadabra: Spreading Joy, One Face at a Time

To borrow an old cliché, Apryl Cadarba has greasepaint in her blood. In a way, running a children’s entertainment agency she’s carrying on a family tradition. Her father was a clown magician, performing at small venues and parties around The Bronx.

“My father was a welder but whenever there were neighborhood parties he’d go as a magician and I was his assistant,” she says.

She was growing up in the 1960s, watching the...

Dhylles Davis:The Coaching Cupid

Even as a young girl, Dhylles Davis says she was always the “go-to” person in her neighborhood — a person in whom you could trust to share your thoughts and secrets.

Eventually, these rare qualities would help inform her decision to dedicate her life to helping others find purpose.

For the last 20 years, Davis has been assisting clients as a certified professional life coach. Through her Bronx-based business, Dhylles...

Polarized Pets…and Stressed-Out Kids

Inequality isn’t just bad for people.  It also affects our companion animals.   In the modern American economy, some workers have become money-rich and time-poor.  Others, who lost jobs or were downsized during the recent recession, became time richer but money poor.  And many Americans, forced to work multiple jobs to make ends meet are poor in both time and money.  In each case, pets are affected. 

In the first case,...

Getting Into the Spirit in Port Morris

The Bronx may be the last place you’d expect to find authentic liquor from the Caribbean. But a thriving new startup in the Port Morris neighborhood is changing perceptions one jug at a time.

The Port Morris Distillery, wedged beside the First Avenue Bridge in the Southeast Bronx, has...

Lovie Pignata: Bringing Back a Community’s Heart

Today, the store on Holland Avenue stands empty, rezoned for residential use. But, for more than 20 years, the soda shop owned by current New York State Attorney General Robert Abram’s parents served as the center of the Pelham Parkway South neighborhood.

Lovie Pignata’s dream is to bring back that sense of community in a new incarnation: as Morris Perk, a café that can double as a community center....

Marcos Sierra The Flan Man

Marcos Sierra has a not-so-secret identity in his hometown of The Bronx. He is El Flanadero (in English, roughly, “The Flan Man”). Actually, El Flanadero is the name of Sierra’s company.

For the unfortunate unitiated, flan is a delicious delicacy, a free-standing custard served for dessert throughout the Spanish-speaking world. (The kind of flan we’re talking about here is the one also known as crème caramel, not the savory pies...

Repairing the Bronx from Within

 In 2010, I was working in a Hotel and I got this idea of selling tee shirts, souvenirs and tours and I took my money out of my 401k to start this venture, I was working in the Hotel retail sector, I created the tee shirts and started selling them online and on street fairs, I created the tours in June 2011 and I knew due to it's past image the only way I could sell a positive Bronx Tour was to highlight our history, culture, landmarks and...

Giving Grandeur to The Bronx

Giving Grandeur to The Bronx Rhynna M. Santos


Rev. Carmen Hernandez | Protector of the People

“People call Rev. Carmen Hernandez the Mayor of the Bronx.”