Articles on PR for People

Entrepreneurship: Hard Work, Humble, Hopeful.

Kutlwano Hutamo is an entrepreneur whose motivation and goal is to contribute towards the reduction of youth unemployment. Her passion is to share IP and business management knowledge via her YouTube Channel with people that ordinarily do not have access. She believes that small businesses in South Africa can play a significant role in reducing the high youth unemployment figures.

Is There a Future for Hope?

Is There a Future for Hope? Pessimism about the future is on the rise, and there is much reason to be pessimistic. Is our species doomed?  Beware of self-fulfilling prophesies.

Startup Success: Why You Need SMART Objectives

Startup success means getting your new business to where you want be in terms of factors such as product, market share, profitability, team and others. But as a founder, how will you know that you’ve arrived if you haven’t defined the metrics that equate to “startup success” for you. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Using SMART objectives can help your startup achieve startup success by defining a clear plan with measurable metrics to mark progress along the way.

Beyond the Wall: An Immigrant Youth Art & Technology Experience to July 19

Artolution will begin its latest New York City mural and performance project in the East Village with youth who are currently seeking asylum in the United States after fleeing violence and conflict in Central and South America. The mural will be brought to life via Augmented Reality (AR) technology, highlighting the stories of the youth, their life, struggles and their dreams for the future in a way that allows the viewer to interact with the artwork. This first AR mural created by youth will be accompanied by a theatrical and dance performance during the closing event on Friday, July 19.


Artificial Intelligence – It’s Much Older and More Pervasive Than You Think

Artificial Intelligence – It’s Much Older and More Pervasive Than You Think. Its roots can be traced back to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Truly autonomous modern “AI” is something new and deeply challenging. Where is it going?


Trinh Le: Beautiful Mover

Let’s talk about dance in a way that’s not too technical and complicated. Getting people out there, moving to the music, shaking, jumping and rocking, is no small feat. Some teachers have the exceptional ability to do much more than instruct students to dance. These teachers possess an intangible something extra that inspires people to move like they have never moved before. A musical force of nature to behold, Trinh Le is that kind of teacher. A human dynamo! Wow! How does she do it?

North Tillamook Library at Manzanita, Oregon– Good Things Grow in the Midst of Great Beauty

The key to understanding people and the world around us begins with education. One way to learn about the world is by developing a love of books. Each month, we profile a library. Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic; do you have a library that you love? Tell us about it. This month, Patricia Vaccarino writes about the North Tillamook Library at Manzanita – Manzanita, Oregon


I, Too, Have a Dream

I see a transformative way forward for our endangered species. One missing piece is transformative leadership. I have an idea.


The Pencil Test finesses the fit

 When Holly Powell opened her first bra shop in Portland, Oregon in 2011, she wanted a name that was pronounceable and memorable.  “Lots of women’s lingerie stores have French names that people can’t pronounce. I wanted something that said very clearly to the world, ‘we do big boobs.’”

The Beauty in Movement

A recent article in the New York Times asserted that dance is the new kale. But for those of us who have made a commitment to dance, viewing this exhilarating art form as simply another trend is missing the point. Being a dancer takes time, focus and practice. For me and for many of the dancers I know, we are not engaging in a passing fancy. We’re dedicated to the artistry and the physicality of movement.