Articles on PR for People

Five Things to Do Before Launch

Five Things to Do Before Launching a New Innovation or a New Product....

NOTES FROM THE WORKING-CLASS: On the Road to Woodstock

You didn’t need a road map or directions to get to Woodstock. An incredible buzz traveled through the air.  By some eyewitness accounts, a “half-a-million-strong” got together on Sam Yasgur’s Farm to hang out and listen to great music. 

Re-learning How to Play Global Chess: What Would Winston Churchill Do?

There is a potentially effective international response to the rise of China as a superpower, but it will require a twenty-first century Winston Churchill with vision.  In the next decade, China is likely to challenge the United States in many ways.  Winston Churchill understood the crucial value of cooperation against a common foe.  A twenty-first century Winston Churchill, with a keen eye on the global chess board, might see the proposed “Global Government Initiative” as an opportunity to create a new political alliance.

The ultimate startup? Preschool education!

At the Second Nordic Innovation Summit, held recently at the National Nordic Museum in Seattle, there was a convergence of startups from blue tech (maritime), green/clean tech, financial innovation and smart cities. But there was one presenter that made the most convincing argument of all for its standing as a startup. Helsinki International Schools (HEI Schools) is a new enterprise that is licensing its Finnish early education model to schools around the globe.

Inflation --- A Natural Wealth Redistributor

Inflation has become a scary term not only for ordinary people but also for many confused professional economists. However, inflation is actually not only an inevitable fundamental element in the market economy, but also a key to understand many important economic phenomena that have been occurring for decades or even centuries around the world. It implements mechanism of redistributing wealth in a market and around the world.


Only authors and artists can do what politicians and the media cannot do. It takes a great story to get people to embrace their own humanity. 

“Sustainable Development”: How’s It Going?

The U.N.’s original definition of the term has been corrupted, and the current U.N. iteration (in a set of 17 Development Goals) is an overreach.  Either way it’s failing.   What is to be done? This currently fashionable concept first arose in the 1980s.  A U.N. report stressed that it should be about basic needs.  Our current emphasis on “growth” and increased “wealth” is unsustainable. I believe we must return to the original 1987 U.N. definition, which focused on our basic needs, and make it a global priority going forward.


2nd Order Philosophy

Human civilization is now suffering the widespread political and economic crises all over the world due to the collective confusion caused by various extreme worldviews, extreme life views, and extreme religious views. With the ever stronger capacity to cultivate nature, to produce goods, to fend off the beasts and catastrophes, and to do many wonders of dreams, we humans as a whole are not living a less stressful but an ever increasingly stressful life. We are trying to do our best based on our knowledge; however, while we see the world in a straight-line fashion, the world often turns around in a paradoxical way; when ancient dreams come true, their potential negative social impacts could also become true.