Articles on PR for People

WILLIAM LULOW – Capturing the Rhythm of Light

Master photographer William “Bill” Lulow characterizes light as the essential element that controls all of his photographs. Form, texture and composition come into play, but it is always light that steals the show. Lulow says, “I bring my lifelong love of photography and my studio lighting expertise to everything I shoot.” He describes his relationship with photography as a great passion, an ongoing love affair with the process of creating beautiful imagery. 

Entrepreneur finds his sweet spot

Jordan Allen is dressed conservatively: dark suit, white dress shirt open at the neck, a heavy watch on his wrist. When he’s done with his set-up, it’s still early, so he works the room, going around the table, introducing himself, shaking hands with everyone. In answer to a question, he says that he’s been in business for six years. Which might not seem that remarkable, until you consider that Jordan is in the eighth grade. But after he’s been formally introduced by his host, and launches into his talk, there’s no doubt that this young man has developed significant business vocabulary and acumen over half a dozen years of growing his business.

Rocky Mountain: High and Low

From Colorado: Rocky Mountain: High and Low...Are you thirty-something and thinking about moving to Denver, Colorado? For Millennials seeking opportunity, Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in America.

Food Innovation Network offers a new take on a time-honored tradition

We are just two years shy of the fourth centennial of one of America’s most cherished American traditions – Thanksgiving. That original harvest feast was celebrated in 1621 by three-score Pilgrims and a Native American contingent twice that size. The Wampanoag had welcomed the desperate English immigrants to their shores, shared food with them, and taught them American agricultural methods.

There’s more to crowdfunding than you might think

The funding landscape has continued to shift and evolve over time. Traditional funding sources such as bank loans, angel investors, or venture capital still remain as prominent options for many, however, new avenues for startup funding have also emerged. One of the most notable is crowdfunding.

Books We Love: The Country Girls

I first discovered Edna O’Brien in a New Yorker article written by Emily Stokes February 26, 2018, covering her recent trip to New York City. (As distinguished from the controversial 2019 article written by Ian Parker.) 

The #TrumpCrimeFamily!

For the past year, Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, and a number of other Republican operatives have been spreading the canard that the Bidens represent a criminal enterprise.  Seriously!  It’s time to pin the tail on the right donkey.  In fact, it’s an elephant! 


The President of the United States must be above all else, moral, a peacemaker, the arbiter of a more perfect union. VOTE!

The Battle Will Come After the Voting is Over!

Even if Biden had clearly won enough electoral votes after the November election, Trump’s attorneys are prepared to go nuclear. 

Buyer Beware: Do you dare buy a Haunted House?

Would you buy a haunted house? Doors squeak open and slam shut. Sudden surges of cold air rattle windows in their old wood frames. Hazy apparitions are seen from the corner of your eye. Unexplained noises trill down the chimney. Icy wind kicks up in a conic burst, settling into strange wet spots under stairwells, in the back of closets and under the kitchen sink. Contents of drawers spill out. Your favorite things are lost, later found in strange, out-of-the-way places, and you know you didn’t put them there. In the middle of the night you do not walk alone into that dark, drafty room.