Articles on PR for People

ALANA BELLE—A Woman After Our Own Hearts

Singer, Songwriter, Filmmaker Alana Belle was featured on the cover of our February 2018 Magazine. Much has happened since 2018. Her work The New Romantic: A Mood Film was released in September 2020 at the Northwest Film Forum Film Festival. In November she partnered with Lululemon and did a screening in their store. 

Owls and Other Fantasies

Mary Oliver’s collection of poems and essays offers us a walk into the kingdom of birds

Should You Renovate Before You Sell?

Renovations can be a great value booster. The right changes appeal to buyers and help you make a great return on your investment. Here are four ways you might want to renovate before selling.

Tim Phelps On The Trail of Hope

Today on February 14, 2021, Tim Phelps is embarking on a nearly 1,800 mile journey. He is intent on getting a petition in front of President Joe Biden. His petition requests that the President of the United States of America offer an official public apology to all of the indigenous tribes in this country for the cruelty and mistreatment they have suffered at the hands of the U.S. government.


Artist Milan Heger is in love with freedom as much as he is in love with art.

NOTES FROM THE WORKING CLASS: The Mother of All Handbags

I was told never to place my handbag on the floor. I was told never to leave my handbag unattended. I was also told to never ever let another person touch my handbag. Disobeying any of the three cardinal rules of handbags brings poverty and is akin to having a gypsy place a curse on me. The gypsy’s curse lasts forever.

How Paint Color Can Enhance Your Mood

Your paint choices have a significant impact on your home. Not only can color determine your living space's overall aesthetic, but it can also influence your mood and set the right tone for your guests.


NOTES FROM THE WORKING-CLASS: Getting Snowed by Patricia Vaccarino  A tale about a hard-working business owner and an elitist GOP cabinet member.

A More Perfect Union


It has been a difficult first week back to teach online. As has been my practice for about a year, I begin each course at the University of Washington with a single slide that encapsulates the latest information I have on the pandemic. To that, I added an introduction to the SolarWinds data breach for my emerging cyber topics course on Monday.  On Thursday, I created several slides on the invasion of the U.S. Capitol on January...

Building Back Better: The Department of Justice

This month Barbara Lloyd McMichael writes about the evolving history of the Department of Justice and past Attorneys General, from Warren G. Harding’s AG, Harry M. Daugherty, to Donald Trump’s AG, William Barr.  From hereon, Barbara will write a monthly column, Building Back Better, that focuses on what our leaders are doing to restore the soul and conscience of America.