Articles on PR for People

Passion for overturning the Abortion Ban outweighs Anger over Inflation

   SCOTUS has lit a fire under the Democrats and Independents to get out and vote. 

Public Art in Local Libraries

While visual literacy is often associated with digital technology, other forms of visual literacy need to be taken into consideration: aesthetics as well as the cultural, ethical and contextual facets of what we are viewing. Public art plays a very important role in our local libraries.

Book Review: The Blue Flower

The story focuses on twenty-two-year-old Fritz who becomes enchanted with the twelve-year-old Sophie von Kühn and asks for her hand in marriage. No one can understand the attraction. Fritz is educated and comes from a family of substance, whereas Sophie is termed a dullard without means or money.

Book Review: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

I found In Cold Blood in an antique store in Nehalem, Oregon and thought it might be worthwhile to read. I love to read books when the marketing hoopla is over and I can assess if the book can stand on its own merits. In Cold Blood has stood the test of time. 

Doin’ the Math

When I was teen-ager, growing up in Southern California, I was a beach bum. But when the red tide rolled in, it was advisable to not swim in it. Red tide occurred when algae became so numerous that they discolored coastal waters (hence the name "red tide"). 

PR for People The Connector Magazine June 2022

Red and Blue: We’re all Getting Screwed by Big Business. There is a great need for antitrust laws to return to protecting us from the increasing concentration of private power that has proven to be destructive. A business can prevail and sustain profitability without gouging the American people to seize monopoly profits. Monopolies must be stopped from exerting a chokehold on the American people. Going forward, maybe this is the one thing we can all agree on and work together to stop the carnage.

Red and Blue: We’re All Getting Screwed By Big Business

Whether you are conservative, liberal, moderate or some variation in between, we’re all at the mercy of monopoly powers. We’re being given the runaround by big companies: cell phone providers, cable companies, health care providers, insurance companies, technology companies, transportation companies, food companies, media outlets, social media companies, banks…the list is endless.

The Million Dollar Question

Perhaps one answer still lies in our citizenry— a mindful choice, that all Americans can make—to finally refrain from blame; to lower the thermostat of rage that divides us; to lay down the baggage of fear we’ve been carrying; and check our egos at the open door before boarding; and to at last realize we are all riding on the same bus—and nobody deserves to be thrown under it.

Book Review: Cornered by Barry C. Lynn

Who can argue with the facts: monopoly companies are constantly finding new ways to charge you for more while giving you less. In his book Cornered, journalist Barry C. Lynn shows how monopoly powers are doing much more than giving you a run for your money. These behemoth powers are actually destroying the free and open market place, which is at very heart of our democracy.

Vine Maple Place: Ending homelessness to break generational cycle of poverty

In Maple Valley, Washington, a leafy suburban city southeast of Seattle, nine churches began working together at the beginning of this century when they detected a growing problem in their community: family homelessness.