Articles on PR for People

Carousels: the whirl of the holidays

When Joni Mitchell recorded “The Circle Game” back in 1966, her carousel lyrics conveyed a pensive slant on the passage of time. In fact, that was also a rather doleful time for carousels, which had enjoyed their greatest heyday much earlier – in the first quarter of the 20th century. 

A Return to Bedford Falls

In the opening scenes of the movie, actor, James Stewart, portrays a young character named George Bailey, a “poor” everyman, constantly being challenged by life’s unforeseen circumstances and the resulting disappointments that occur. We see his hopes and dreams dissolve before his very eyes, and ours.

Tales from the Golden Age of Radio 1944, WNBC, New York City

Linda Jay writes about her parents, Verne and Helen Jay, who were writers for the iconic radio shows “The Shadow,” “Mr. and Mrs. North,” “Famous Jury Trials,” and “Grand Central Station” during the Golden Age of Radio.

The unspoken label for a growing political movement is "Reactionary"

Lots of labels are thrown around to define or tag political opponents. Proponents embrace other labels as a badge of honor. And a few labels are so controversial, like Christian Nationalist or Communist, that even those in sympathy with those beliefs shy away from them. However, the label reactionary is missing in the current political vocabulary. 

Hold On

What a week it has been!  At the top of the charts would be Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, and his subsequent dismantling of special teams that oversaw content management, ethics, privacy, as well as employment law protections.  

November 2022 Magazine

November is our month to be mindful of all the ways we can be grateful and show gratitude. Our November Magazine focuses on Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. Also, a first-of-its-kind pocket park in Florida makes mindfulness much more than a state of mind.

Book Review: Lost Secrets of Qumran: The Last Ark by Guy Morris

The Last Ark (Lost Secrets of Qumran) by Guy Morris is a book worth reading more than once. Thrillers that stand the test of time have two things in common: the historical context is engrossing, accurate and mind-bendingly wonderful, and the cast of characters is composed of American good guys, most of whom are equal parts charming and courageous, and a bit outrageous too.  

First-of-its-kind Pocket Park to Debut in Florida

Suzanne Jewell will tell you it all goes back to mindfulness. As the recently appointed CEO (the ‘E’ stands for Experience) at Patch of Heaven Sanctuary in Miami-Dade County, Florida, Jewell is overseeing the installation of what she believes is the first-ever-anywhere Mindful Pocket Park.

My Two Joes

My Two Joes is a tribute to our heroic veterans. What I learned from the two Joes is you can’t always remove yourself from scary situations. No doubt about it, right now there is a heightened level of fear and anger in America. It is as if people are losing their heads. When adrenaline increases, you witness more flight or fight reactions.  Fear that manifests in small ways develops into paralysis: email goes unanswered, phone calls are not returned and business transactions are delayed. Fear churning into anger rears its ugly head in drive-by shootings, road rage, mass killings and hate crimes. It’s okay to admit the truth: we are living in scary times.

Looking for Home

At a time when the issue of immigration is front and center, not only in our own nation, but around  the globe, addressing the issues of forced migrations of peoples and the reactions/responses to their plight could not be more relevant.