Tech & Science

HEAR to REAH: Bridging the Gap for the Deaf.


Wonder Ndlovu is founder of Mbula Research and Development, a technology-based start-up that focuses on uncovering digital & innovative solutions and bring them to life. He holds a Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation and a Degree in Software Development among others.

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Doing an 'End Run' Around the Fuel Giants

“You’re either going to be written off as a crackpot or a genius,” laughed Kevin Kenney of Grassroots Energy, a compressed natural gas (CNG) think tank in Nebraska.

     He’s talking about the plight of inventors who come before their time. Kenney invented a highly-efficient CNG/diesel dual-fuel conversion process for existing diesel engines and a dispensing compressor that attaches to any natural gas meter. He says it has been a...

Digital Strategy in Medicine and Health


Digital Strategy in health and medicine comes in many forms.  Pharmaceutical companies use digital strategies to increase sales and marketing.  Big data offer analyses in drug research and development, as well as data sharing and the ability to compare large-scale studies across various environments.  Medical devices using sophisticated software are now the norm in hospitals and medical centers and clinics. 

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New Patient App Saves Time and Money

miTRAX Custom Patient App Improves Outcomes, Saves Time and Money

Doctors’ appointments can be frustrating for two reasons: too little doctor face time and difficulty remembering what the doc told you to do. A new Nebraska-based patient mobile app solves both problems.

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A Digital Strategist’s Take on Ambition

Drive, determination and gumption are three of the basic ingredients necessary for success. Ambition inhabits all three of those qualities. We live in a time of ubiquitous connectivity, with the availability of communications networks of all sorts (social, business, special interest). Ambition can be realized, applying digital strategy.

Two examples come to mind: looking for a job and looking for a communications tool.
