climate change

Latest Posts in climate change

Connecticut- Living Through ‘The End of Nature’ By David Gregorio

Climate change came on my personal radar in 1989 when I was a science/lifestyle writer at a newspaper in Connecticut and I interviewed Bill McKibbon about his book “The End of Nature.” He explained the significance of a NASA scientist’s recent congressional testimony about the buildup of greenhouse gases in Earth’s climate and the need to wean society from fossil fuels within decades to avert catastrophes like super hurricanes, severe droughts and rising sea levels. Scary stuff, but it seemed so far off.  Surely things would work out...

“The Future Lies Ahead”

For a species that literally owes its remarkable evolutionary success over time to its social behavior and its many innovations (we have rightly been called “The Self-Made Man” by the anthropologist Jonathan Kingdon), we have been very slow to recognize, much less respond to what can fairly be called an existential survival crisis.  Some 99 percent of all the species that have ever evolved are now extinct. We may soon join them. Unless…

GREEN ROUNDUP - “The Future Lies Ahead”

For a species that literally owes its remarkable evolutionary success over time to its social behavior and its many innovations (we have rightly been called “The Self-Made Man” by the anthropologist Jonathan Kingdon), we have been very slow to recognize, much less respond to what can fairly be called an existential survival crisis.  Some 99 percent of all the species that have ever evolved are now extinct. We may soon join them. Unless…

PR for People® THE CONNECTOR – October 2021

At PR for People The Connector, we  encourage people to act as a stewards to protect this great gift of life that we have been given. And we also promise to make our voices heard whenever possible. In this month’s issue, we present the voices of people who are grappling with the reality of climate change.

Notes from the road: The Holocaust of Trees

Patricia Vaccarino writes about the changing climate in the Pacific Northwest and its impact on the great trees that gave the Evergreen State its name and reputation.