Articles on PR for People

The Shakespeare Industrial Complex

The Shakespeare Industrial Complex and the Miracle of the Virgin Playwright. The conventional Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare story requires a cognitive miracle.  So, why are there so many believers?

Trust: Why Does It Matter? How Did We Lose It?

Trust:  Why Does It Matter?  How Did We Lose It? It’s an indispensable lubricant in social life. And truthfulness is its twin sister. 

We All Live in Trump Tower Now!

We All Live in Trump Tower Now! Just look at the view!

Global Warming Will Ruin Your Stock Portfolio

Global Warming Will Ruin Your Stock Portfolio and it may happen sooner than you think.

Wisdom: It’s Time to Refurbish an Old Ideal

“Wisdom”.  The very word inspires awe.  It suggests pronouncements from the Oracle on Mount Olympus, or the stone tablets that Moses (purportedly) brought down from Mount Sinai, or the Analectsof Confucius, or Plato’s Republic, or the sayings of Mark Twain and Yogi Berra. I prefer to call it a distillation of seasoned experience by some of the battle-hardened veterans of the vicissitudes of life– people with a good heart who have served their time on the battlefield and want to pass on to others what they have learned about the art of living, and of politics. 

The “Self-Made Man”: The Model for Our Future is Us!

The debate about whether our species is in peril is over.  We must honor our ancestors by emulating their survival strategy, and their success.

What We Can Learn from Trees

No, it’s not a joke.  Trees have much to teach us, or at least underscore, about living together.  They have been doing it for many millions of years, and we are only now beginning to understand their remarkable social life.

Capitalism and the Collective Survival Enterprise

In his famous book, The Great Transformation(1944), the political economist/ anthropologist/sociologist Karl Polanyi produced a classic critique of the classic liberal (conservative) ideal of free market capitalism that still resonates today. 

Trumpty Dumpty

Trumpty Dumpty - If the past is a guide, a look ahead to America after Trump is troubling.

The Social Contract: Who Needs It?

Let’s begin with some political theory.  Aristotle, in his great treatise, the Politics, concluded that there are, basically, only two different kinds of governments in terms of the outcomes for a society -- those that serve the common good, or the public interest, and those that have been co-opted to serve the self-interests of the people who hold political power.