Where there is opportunity, there is art. Art is an expression of the day, of history, of common occurrence and of creative expression. Computers and Digital capabilities enabled the emergence of Digital Art.
It was that time again. For more than 25 years, every July I attend the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal. I can’t get myself to miss it. It’s the biggest comedy festival in the world. It’s like comedy camp! Everyone in comedy you’d want to know is there.
The Liberty was constructed in 1927 as the Granada Theatre – a popular art deco icon in the heart of town. But over the succeeding 80-plus years, there were ups and downs in the economy, the name change to Liberty, and a fire that ravaged the building’s interior. By 2011, the theatre had been dark for a couple of years when Thornsley and his partners invested in it.
In late 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (‘FTC’) updated its Guide which makes it very clear that, when making a paid endorsement on social media (such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), the endorser must openly disclose that they are being paid to make the endorsement. The FTC has commenced enforcement against both companies and influencers. The term influencer includes models.
Anita Corby believes that everyone is born with an innate sense of beauty and an intuitive sense for shape and color. But she thinks the entertainment industry wields too much influence in dictating styles and setting trends.
Tracey-Lee Lusty, a full time attorney, part time health and fitness blogger from Cape Town, decided it was time to make a change and regain her health. Her journey began in August 2016 after reaching 115kgs, the heaviest she has ever been. She started an Instagram account to document her transformation journey and to remain accountable to herself. She quickly gained a following, thus the brand FITNESSGIRL was born. She realised that people were desperate for a genuine account of weight loss struggle. She uses her platform to inspire and empower others to make a positive change in their lives.
The 2% Female Producers: Tokenism in Entertainment Management
The #MeToo movement and revelations of sexual harassment in the entertainment industry have lit a light to the continuing problems associated with sex, but women still live under too many delusions of a post-gender-bias and therefore post-feminist world. Women who complain that they are sidelined because of their gender are dismissed as emotional...
Trajan Vieira grew up on a family spread in central California where as a teenager, he explained, “We used to make our own saddles. Horseback riding was a big part of my life and I actually won a rodeo scholarship to attend West Hills College, where I majored in animal science. “After college Trajan liked to travel riding in rodeos, taking jobs making saddles and other ranch related work. It was in Cody, Wyoming, where he met his wife and where he first realized that he wanted to be a bootmaker. He was not interested in high production, but in very detailed work. To learn the intricacies, he traveled to Texas where he took an intensive three week curriculum given by Carl Chappell, a third-generation boot maker.
She comes to the studio armed with a small arsenal of supplies with which she will work her magic to make my subject look and feel beautiful. She does this all the time and when she leaves, the images that follow her bear the imprint of a professional. Her “magic” is often so subtle that you have to look hard to see what she has done. Yet, that’s the whole idea of her art. She enhances her subjects so that the enhancements themselves seem to fit like parts of a jigsaw puzzle that bring the whole image together. They form the basic parts of my images of beauty.