Happy Veterans Day! To express my heartfelt appreciation to those who have served, I didn’t have to look far from home. My Two Joes is a tribute to the two most important men in my life, my husband and my father, both of whom are combat veterans. What I learned from my Two Joes is you can’t always remove yourself from scary situations, but you do have to choose to be brave. -Patricia Vaccarino
An Ode to Hayden Brumbeloe presents the story of one combat Veteran who would never return home. -Patricia Vaccarino
Barbara Lloyd McMichael writes about the First-of-its-kind pocket park to debut in Florida.
Volunteers from the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s latest “WeOneMiami” leadership program will be joined by local community members and students from a nearby branch of the college-readiness program Upward Bound for a two-day plant-a-thon in the newly designated pocket park.
Cranberry sauce, fry bread, and gratitude? Meh, say tribes by JoAnne Dyer
Many tribes are not only reclaiming Thanksgiving Day: many are taking back their food more generally by reaching back—way back, in fact, beyond frybread and post-contact foods.
Chef Mary Beth Lawton Johnson has been cooking incredible meals on the land and on the sea for over 25 years. We are truly grateful to have her tips for making a memorable, mouth-watering Thanksgiving feast!
Looking for Home by E.G. Singer
At a time when the issue of immigration is front and center, not only in our own nation, but also around the globe, addressing the issues of forced migrations of peoples and the reactions/responses to their plight could not be more relevant.
Book Review: Lost Secrets of Qumran: The Last Ark by Guy Morris
The Last Ark (Lost Secrets of Qumran) by Guy Morris is a book worth reading more than once. Thrillers that stand the test of time have two things in common: the historical context is engrossing, accurate and mind-bendingly wonderful, and the cast of characters is composed of American good guys, most of whom are equal parts charming and courageous, and a bit outrageous too. -Patricia Vaccarino
Patricia Vaccarino writes book reviews for love or money I know how hard it is for authors to get quality book reviews. Traditional book reviewers will only review the “big books.” I am happy to write a book review, but my time is important to me.